News & Updates

Victim of Motorcycle Accident Finds Help at Restoration Orthopaedics
A Case Study by Dr. Jesse Allert Shoulder injuries might be the most labor intensive and longest lasting injuries to withstand and heal from. Especially for active individuals, shoulder injuries like dislocation, rotator cuff tears, among other injuries are painful, take a long time to heal, often require surgery and physical therapy, and above all,….
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Dr. Keller Selected as Professor of Hackensack School of Medicine
For future generations of professionals in any industry, collegiate professors are some of the most influential individuals. When it comes to orthopaedics and sports medicine, this statement is even more applicable. Julie Keller, M.D. is an orthopaedic surgeon from Wayne, New Jersey. So far, she’s worked a prestigious career for Restoration Orthopaedics at their offices….
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Restoration Orthopaedics and the Coronavirus (COVID-19)
WHAT CAN WE DO FOR YOU? A COVID-19 Message from Restoration Orthopaedics: Please bear with Restoration Orthopaedics as we, like the rest of the nation, attempt to adapt to the needs of our patients and community. As COVID-19 continues to spread throughout our region, our team is doing what we can to serve the community….
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Dr. Allert Delivers Keynote Presentation on Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement
Dr. Allert Discusses Shoulder Replacement at the IARP: June 26, 2019 ATLANTIC CITY, NJ – Last week in Atlantic City, New Jersey shoulder specialist Dr. Jesse Allert was invited to deliver a keynote presentation on reverse shoulder replacement at the International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals Conference. This year marked the 20th year of the conference,….
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Bilateral Knee Replacements, Simultaneous or Separate?
What Is A Knee Replacement? Knee joint replacement is a surgical procedure in which certain parts of an arthritic or damaged knee joint are removed and replaced with a prosthesis, or artificial joint. The artificial joint is designed to move just like a normal, healthy joint and allows you to get back to enjoying normal,….
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Rotator Cuff Repair vs Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement – In New Study, Dr. Allert Helps Guide Treatment
Two common treatment options for massive rotator cuff tears include arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. A local New Jersey shoulder surgeon publishes new study to help guide treatment and counsel patients.