News & Updates

Balloon Arthroplasty for Massive Rotator Cuff Repairs

Balloon arthroplasty is a newly FDA-approved technique that provides a minimally invasive alternative to other rotator cuff operations. Restoration Orthopaedics is excited to deliver a new and improved solution for patients with rotator cuff injuries who qualify for the new procedure.  When it was first released in Europe in 2010, balloon arthroplasty proved to be….
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Stay Active At Any Age

Patients who prioritize active lifestyles tend to be the ones with the smoothest recoveries. In this guide, we give you six ways to stay active at any age. Staying active is known to prevent disease and musculoskeletal conditions. On the other hand, when you live a sedentary or inactive lifestyle you put yourself at risk….
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Top Doctors of 2022: Julie M. Keller, M.D.

When you’re dealing with the stress of a musculoskeletal injury, you want to know that you have a knowledgeable and caring support system around you. A trustworthy doctor makes an intimidating and frustrating medical situation a lot easier to handle. In light of this, we’re taking a moment to recognize the top New Jersey doctors….
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Top Doctors of 2022: Jesse W. Allert, M.D.

Studies have shown that a patient’s emotional wellbeing can accelerate their physical healing. Receiving the care of a compassionate doctor makes all the difference in the world, especially when you’re dealing with a major injury or health condition. Let’s take a moment to recognize the top New Jersey doctors of 2022, one of which is….
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Top Doctors of 2022: Stephen R. Lindholm, M.D.

The best doctors we know choose to continually sharpen their skills and approach their practice from new perspectives. Proactivity and continuing education are what push the healthcare field forward. Let’s share our gratitude for 2022’s top New Jersey doctors who provide exceptional care for their patients in this way. One of them is Stephen R…..
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Bilateral Total Knee Replacement

A Client’s Success Story with Restoration Orthopaedics’ Stephen Lindholm, M.D. Hearing a doctor say “knee replacement” is often a scary experience for many patients. However, the connotation of a knee replacement is much different than the reality of this procedure. In truth, the knee “replacement” is more like a “resurfacing” to improve flexibility, strength, and….
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